
Herald's Pointe and Scribal Collegium Martial Arts Schedule for 2017




9 am List Opens, Inspections and Authorizations List Opens, Inspections and Authorizations
10 am Open Sparring Endless Bearpit
NOON - ? Herald's Pointe and Scribal Collegium Tournaments Herald's Pointe and Scribal Collegium Tournaments
? - 3:30 Round robin with open sparring Sparring and Impromptu Classes

Endless Bearpit- This will be an endurance based bearpit with one point for each victory. Wounds will be retained and a double kill will be counted as a loss for both.

The Herald's Pointe and Scribal Collegium Tournaments are restricted to those with SCA registered heraldry.** The other martial activities are open to all fighters. See the Herald's Pointe and Scribal Collegium Tournaments page for more information.

**You must have SCA registered heraldry. If you do not have heraldry or your heraldry is not registered by the SCA, you will need to be at the site by 9am to meet with the heralds to prepare SCA heraldry. Heraldry prepared for submission or currently under review will be accepted as registered for this tournament.

WealdLake Event Pages

Herald's Pointe and Scribal Collegium Pages

Event Steward - Lord Áindle ÓDiarmada email: WealdLake.webminister@midrealm.org.org

Event Staff for 2017

Lunch Tavern Stewards - Lady Aliyah bat Asriel and The Honorable Lady SaehildR barngodR

Herald in Charge for Herald's Pointe Tournament - Buckler Herald The Honorable Lady Chaya-Simcha bat Yonah

Marshal in Charge for Rapier - Warder Lucien Featherstone

Marshal in Charge for Armor - Sir Osric Eisenwulf

Herald's Consulting table -

Registration/Gate/Troll - The Honorable Lady Petra VonEisenburg Auf Odra

Youth Coordinator - The Honorable Lady SaehildR barngodR