
Officers of the Canton

In any organization, there are those who keep the group functioning - and then there are the group officers. Here is the list of our group officers and their contact email address:

Dame SaehildR barngodR

The representative for the local group to the outside world. Acts as the chief administrative officer, similar to a group's president.

Chancellor of the Exchequer
Lady Aine ÓConnail

In charge of the financial affairs of the group. Also known as the Treasurer or Reeve.

Group Knight Marshall
Lady Helena Falkenstein

In charge of the rules and regulations for fighting and archery. Sees to the safety of the participants. Keeps a record of who is authorized locally. Is responsible for seeing that fighters have an opportunity for training. See also:


Person responsible for design and maintenance of the groups web site/web page.

Additional officers you may see or hear of:

Minister of Youth

The Minister of Youth coordinates the activates of the group for the youth.


The Chatelaine is the Newcomers' liaison - the person who can help get you started in the SCA.

Chronicler BadgeChronicler

Publishes the group's newsletter.

Herald BadgePursuivant

The local heraldic officer. In charge of making announcements and helping people research their names and heraldic devices in preparation for submission to the College of Heralds.

Minister of Arts and Science

Coordinates the study and practice of the medieval arts and sciences. See this officer if you have any questions in these areas or want to learn more about one of the skills and crafts.

Social Media Officer

Administers the Social Media sites of the canton.

Youth Combat Marshall

In charge of the rules and regulations for fighting and archery for youth - those under the age of 18. Sees to the safety of the participants. Keeps a record of who is authorized and handles all parental permission authorizations locally. Is responsible for seeing that fighters have an opportunity for training. Officiates at tournaments for youth.

Baronial Council of Wolves

WealdLake Event Pages